Operational Technology (OT) Services

Secure your OT Systems with Compliance365

Operational Technology (OT) is a critical component in many industries, including manufacturing, utilities, and infrastructure. Unlike traditional IT systems, OT involves the use of both hardware and software to monitor or alter the physical state of a system, such as an industrial control system in a factory. Because of its unique nature, OT presents specific challenges and vulnerabilities in the face of cybersecurity threats.

At Compliance365, we specialise in managing these threats under the framework of the Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) legislation. Our services are geared to protect these vital systems, ensure the continuity of your operations, and maintain adherence to industry-specific compliance requirements


Choose Compliance365 to protect your critical operational systems, maintain service continuity, and safeguard your reputation. Our deep understanding of OT and industry-specific requirements, combined with our comprehensive suite of services, makes us a trusted partner in securing your OT environment.